Kinship Landing

Kinship Landing is a one-of-a-kind experience, pioneering a new kind of hospitality. At once both richly appointed and affordable, Kinship Landing mixes a well-designed hotel stay, a playful hostel environment, an incredible food encounter, and Colorado-staple outdoor spaces. This project called for thoughtful, brand-rich, artisanal, and confident installations.

To announce a solid presence in Colorado Springs, we installed larger-than-life exterior signage in an upward orientation, giving a sense of ambition and a nod to the sky-high aspirations of the place. Standing off the building in subtle relief, the exterior signage gives a sense both of modernity and of warm welcome, a feeling matching Kinship's ethos.

The interior way-finding, motivational art pieces, and physical restaurant menus convey at once both youth and maturity, signaling both the creative risk and the hospitable seriousness with which Kinship embraces its mission. Steel, paper, acrylic, and wood in the pieces we created for them work together to tell Kinship’s story of old school welcome with modern commitments, and we are thankful for their presence in our city and their partnership with us.