The average delivery van has 368 square feet of exterior surface area: 368 square feet of blank canvas, untapped potential to make a big, visible, public impression. What if you could increase your brand presence, on space you already own, doing the thing you are already doing (namely, driving around)? Wrapping your vehicle or your whole fleet puts your brand in front of the hundreds or thousands of drivers on the road everyday.

To create an unforgettable brand impression, we use top shelf vinyl material that displays vibrant color and sharp text, making your brand and your fleet recognizable, and giving potential clients a way to connect as well as contact you. As a bonus, the wrap adds a layer of paint protection to your vehicle, extending the life of the exteriors of your fleet.

Before we start the wrap, we give the vehicle a thorough cleaning to ensure lasting adhesion.  Then each wrap is hand-installed by our team with years of hands-on experience wrapping vehicles.  And turn around is quicker than you can believe, so vehicle downtime is kept to a minimum.